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Keeping Your Home Organized Despite Summer Chaos

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! I hope you’re having a relaxing Sunday.

You know what that means… Summer is here! Busy weekends full of outdoor adventures, getaways, and sunshine.

It always seems like we should slow down in summer, but we end up filling the weekends with so much fun that it’s hard to catch your breath in between. You get home on Sunday and quickly unload the car, dropping beach towels and coolers inside the garage or entryway. Throughout the week, you try to get everything put away — until it’s Friday and time to do it all again.

Don’t get me wrong — summer is fun! I love the smells of neighborhood BBQs, kids' joyful shrieks as they run through sprinklers and the sunlight that shines well past the dinner hour.But when we pack our schedules so full of summer activities, the last thing you want to do between weekends is get organized.

That’s why it's so important to stay on top of things before they get out of control. Otherwise, summer will end, and your home may be worse off than it started!

Maintaining an organized home is much easier than overhauling and fixing a larger clutter problem.

Think of maintenance organization like preventative care for your home. We visit doctors or work out throughout the year to stay fit and healthy because it’s much easier (and cost-effective!) to maintain good health than to hit rock bottom and have to repair our bodies through major medical intervention.

But between work, activities, and your busy summer schedule, who’s got the time for organizing?

If you’ve worked with us before, we can come back for a tune-up. 

Sometimes, the systems we set up for you slip a little, or something in your house changes, and you need to adjust your organization. This saves you money in the long run—before the disorganization piles up.

Or maybe all this maintenance talk overwhelms you, and you think, “Maintenance? I need an overhaul!” 

Give me a call, and we can discuss how you can get started. I never judge and would love to talk about how organization can help you love your home again. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon!



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