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A note from Simcha

How are you? I hope you’re doing well!

I’m writing this quick note to let you know that I’m starting a monthly newsletter with organizing tips to help you feel joyful at home.

As the holiday season approaches, I hope you’re feeling festive — but I know it can be an overwhelming time for some, too.

In my home, we love to gather with friends and family over home-cooked food. But there was a time when I would get really stressed over hosting a holiday event! I wanted everything to be perfect and I had a hard time enjoying the moment.

If you feel like that during the holidays, try this little trick that worked for me: flip your mindset!

In the past, I felt like there was so much I had to do. Between cooking, cleaning, and shopping, it all felt like too much! But one day I suddenly realized I needed to change my thinking. I began reminding myself that I get to do these things — that I was truly fortunate to have family and friends to cook for and loved ones to gather with. It didn’t need to be perfect!

As soon as I flipped my mindset, I was able to enjoy preparing for the gathering, not to mention the holiday event itself!

Sometimes the simplest change can make such a difference. If you’re struggling to get organized or feel joyful about the holiday season, remember that I’m here to help.

Do you enjoy hosting holiday events? I love hearing from you, so comment below and let me know!



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